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The mkmydsl script is probably one of the most overlooked scripts in DSL, yet it has been there since day one when I released the myDSL system and the six example extensions that I made to start this whole thing. Why it is not in the documentation is a very good question.

SU's note - It is now!! ^_^


mkmydsl is NOT myDslMaker. mkmydsl is done locally. This has several advantages over a website version of the same thing including:

1. "Try before you burn" You can download extensions and try them out before you commit to making an iso and burning.

2. "Construction Set" by downloading in parts, you truly have a construction set method. This makes it easier for a slow modem users to be able to take advantage by not having to download a large single mydsl.iso

3. "Privacy" By makeing the iso locally, you are not "sending" private information to a website only to have to download the results back. This is where the myconf.tar.gz comes into play. This is your "personal" and "private" configuration including passwords, etc.

4. "No double down" You already have the base iso and have proved that it works on your system, so you don't have to download it again only this time MUCH bigger. Also, you already have your local "proven" collection of extensions

5. "The Sky's the Limit" I know of one user, Ke4nt, who uses the mkmydsl script to make a DVD sized mydsl.iso. Imagine having to download DVD sized images.


The myconf.tar.gz is for your configs that you will not be changing. Thus filetool list remains for backup.tar.gz. My myconf.tar.gz has firefox FLASH plugin, Sylpheed email settings, my network printer configs, and several PPP settings and providers. mkmydsl script also allows for the boot time options to be passed, so I use toram, but you could also set your keyboard, start various daemons, e.g., ssh, lpd, etc.

I made the script to work on the most minimal of systems, e.g., a machine that is capable of booting DSL toram and a working cdrom burner is optional. It does not need multi-session.

By answering a few simple questions you can have your mydsl.iso created and ready to burn. If you have a burner, you can continue the script to burn to cdrom.

When I write scripts for DSL, I try to write to maximize the amount of machine that will be able to use the script. The script does not require the latest "super blasto" computer. Although it will run from within X via xterms, I usually run it from runlevel 2. By simply answering a couple questions, you're done!

Getting it Started

Lets say that you have downloaded and have a nice proven collection of extensions on your harddrive say hda3

Step 1: booting

       boot: dsl 2 toram

Step 2: mounting your extensions library

       mount /mnt/hda3

Step 3: Start the script


Step 4: You will be prompted to enter the location of your extension library

       Enter the directory to hold the image and modules: /mnt/hda3/

Note the / at the end !

Step 5: You will be prompted to enter the location to write the mydsl.iso

       Enter the directory to hold the new iso:

Step 6: You can enter additional boot time options

       Enter optional boot time options:

Step 7: Optional additional setup of extension library

You will be prompted to copy any "last minute" extensions. This step is not needed if the extension library is already setup with "root" and "optional". This step is useful if you have large ram and are using ramdisk directories, then you will need to copy over the extension library into the ramdisk. But normally the step is not needed.

Step 8:Final approval

When you are ready to begin creating the ISO enter OK (literally means capital OK). The script creates a mydsl.iso

Step 9: Optional burning step

You will be prompted to once again enter capitals OK to begin the burn. If you don't have a burner then press enter and your mydsl.iso is made. After entering OK you will be prompted to enter the burn speed and device number for the burner. That's it.

Like I say, I use the script after EVERY release to make "my" customized version for daily use.

Note: use the command

       cdrecord --scanbus 

to learn the device number for your burner.


(Thanks to Robert Shingledecker)