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Hey John
Where do I find the language script (Danish)
Control Center (enter PW) -> System -> System Language Manager -> < hit button upper right >

Scroll down to da_DK (mouse or spacebar to select)

Even if you remove all locales, it will retain en_US so there is always one failsafe, but it works to just select da_DK after removing all as well. 

(06-15-2024, 03:47 PM)grindstone Wrote: [ -> ]Control Center (enter PW) -> System -> System Language Manager -> < hit button upper right >

Scroll down to da_DK (mouse or spacebar to select)

Even if you remove all locales, it will retain en_US so there is always one failsafe, but it works to just select da_DK after removing all as well. 

Thanks grindstone