I try to find reference on how to make the project to boot, but as i only see 4 other post about the same topic and no solution.. i try again.
For 2 pentium pc and one with 4 core, it is not possible to boot via : netboot : as it result in no boot partition present. As one of the pc cannot even boot on usb. For the other one: is the final version or rc8 will have a proper boot partition ?
As you cannot write with etcher : as boot partition missing in order to burn to usb. And with Rufus, it do download 2 extra file, but end up as not being able to boot.
Put both rc7 and rc6 version on the easy ventoy live os boot and : all 4 cannot boot.
So a last try to check this project that look quite good...
Thanks in advance
This is not enough information to help. You are trying to PXE boot because you have no CD drive? Unless you do the
work to
make your own initrd with network support, it wont because
upstream doesn't. but one user reported using nfs so you might contact
Absent that, for now, you will have to use conventional (cd or usb) installation methods.
Do not trust any method of writing USB except
Have you made sure to (a) verify md5/good image and (b) use the usb image and not the cd image (or to run isohybrid on the CD image before writing to usb)? This is what your "boot partition is missing" error sounds like.
Otherwise, use
Plop to usb
boot from CD/USB on the very old machines. Alternatively, go manual & remove the HD to something that will boot, etc. UEFI (for 4-core) is not available in DSL at this time, so you must choose legacy bios settings for it to work.
If it's easier, you might communicate in the antiX French
forum specifying you are using DSL which is based on "antiX 23.1 runit".
Bonjour Marcel,
j'utilise Dsl en installation frugale.
Le média usb contient une partition en ext2 et a été étiquetté (label) ANTIX_DSL
Sur cette partition, il y a antiX full 32 bits dernière version et DSL rc7.
Le chargeur de démarrage a été construit avec Grub4dos.
La strophe pour DSL est la suivante (à adapter selon tes besoins) :
title DamnSmallLinux (DSL 2024)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /dsl/vmlinuz quiet flab=ANTIX_DSL fdir=/dsl lang=fr_FR tz=Europe/Paris kbd=fr frugal_only nosavestate
initrd /dsl/initrd.gz
Avec une variante pour une autre machine (ajout de l'option xorg=safe) :
title DamnSmallLinux Autre machine (DSL)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /dsl/vmlinuz quiet flab=ANTIX_DSL fdir=/dsl lang=fr_FR tz=Europe/Paris kbd=fr frugal_only nosavestate xorg=safe
initrd /dsl/initrd.gz
Dans le répertoire /dsl, j'ai placé les fichiers suivants extraits de l'image .ISO :
initrd.gz linuxfs linuxfs.md5 state vmlinuz1.md5
initrd.gz.md5 linuxfs.info random-seed vmlinuz vmlinuz.md5
plus un sous-répertoire state qui contient le fichier no-state qui est vide.
J'espère que ça pourra t'aider.
Bonne chance.
Thanks @Rantanplan -- good to see you keeping an eye on us over here!
" Hello Marcel,
I use Dsl in a frugal installation.
The usb media contains an ext2 partition and has been labeled (label) ANTIX-- DL
On this partition, there are antiX full 32 bits last version and DSL rc7.
The boot loader was built with Grub4dos.
The stanza for DSL is as follows (to be adapted as needed):
title DamnSmallLinux (DSL 2024)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /dsl/vmlinuz quiet flab-ANTIX-DSL fdir'/dsl lang-en-- EN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
initrd /dsl/initrd.gz
With a variant for another machine (addition of the xorg-safe option):
title DamnSmallLinux Other machine (DSL)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /dsl/vmlinuz quiet flab-ANTIX-DSL fdir'/dsl lang-en-EN tz-Europe/Paris kbd-fr frugal-only nosavestate xorg-safe
initrd /dsl/initrd.gz
In the /dsl directory, I placed the following files extracted from the .ISO image:
initrd.gz linuxfs linuxfs.md5 state vmlinuz1.md5
initrd.gz.md5 linuxfs.info random-seed vmlinuz vmlinuz.md5
plus a state subdirectory that contains the no-state file that is empty.
I hope it can help you.
Good luck"