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Spectrum-based light sensitivity accessibility
What an interesting project, I'm looking forward to trying it.

Accessibility/disability issue: I've got an extreme sensitivity to short wavelength blue light.

I'm working on getting an e-ink monitor, but until then and to rescue old laptops

Does DSL have a built in blue-light filter program on either JWM or fluxbox?

What would it take to install radky's JWM desk ( from puppy linux on JWM in DSL?  

Or some other blue-light filter program?  

Thank you,

If I were to imagine any features I wanted in a distro, and it would be so
All of the text in the boot up process would be large font, maybe 18 Bold
And the menus would start with large text, too
Default color temp, instead of 6500k, would somehow be set to 1800k (candlelight) from the boot screen onwards
One can dream

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Spectrum-based light sensitivity accessibility - by Chloe - 05-31-2024, 05:55 PM

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