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The Next Few Months... DSL into 2025
Due to personal and financial circumstances, I am starting a new job in a very different field than I've worked in before. I'll need to spend some time obtaining the required certifications and licenses. It is not glamorous work, but it should be stable and afford me time in the evenings to pursue the hobbies I enjoy (like working on DSL).

Things are going to be quiet for a few weeks. Once I have completed the required studies and, hopefully, am doing well in my new position, I will pick up where I left off on the DSL project.

Plans for this year include offering a leaner and smaller ISO that still strives to be a complete and ready-to-use distribution tailored for older computers. I also plan to offer a larger ISO that will work with UEFI. I am sure there will be lots of bugs to work out as we go along.  Hopefully, enough people will be interested, and together we can squash them all!

John Andrews

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The Next Few Months... DSL into 2025 - by John - 12-16-2024, 01:32 AM

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