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eth0 is showing two IP addresses no matter what I do to fix it!
Hi Xsilentmurmurx,

I have to confess to not having any experience with libvirt. I have run DSL directly with qemu quite often and haven't run into this situation.

The empty /etc/resolv.conf file indicates that DNS is not being set up properly.

Did you try releasing and resetting dhcpclinet?

sudo dhclient -r
sudo dhclient

Then verify the IP address:
ip addr show eth0

I am guessing there is some type of mis-configuration between the libvirt settings and the defaults in DSL. Please post an update. I am also hoping that someone with libvirt experience comes in to help out.

Messages In This Thread
RE: eth0 is showing two IP addresses no matter what I do to fix it! - by John - 09-05-2024, 06:03 AM

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