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Suggestions driver, firmware & other file for removal?
(02-17-2024, 01:10 AM)Yan Wrote: wget, perhaps? I don't think that it's used that often, and those who need it would know how to install it. It's number 700 on Debian's list of regularly used programs.

I think en_US alone would be enough, without the three other variants, but probably the space saved would be negligible.


wget is in busybox.
Not everyone speaks en_US. Wink  : Me, the first.
And I think too that : "...but probably the space saved would be negligible." Smile

Bests regards.
Good evening all,

may be to remove Dillo ?
Already, links2 (graphic mode and terminal mode), w3m, NetSurf and Firefox.
"...but probably the space saved would be negligible."

Thank you.

Best to all.
Yan: Wget or Curl, Some of these are used by web browsers for downloading. Always preferred Curl to Wget so it could go if nothing else uses it.

Grindstone: Htop in busybox, regular Htop more menu options, prefer it than busybox. Wallpaper definitely find smaller

Yan: Gftp, yes newbies (me) use ftp daily, command line is out. Nftp (favourite) could be replacement for Gftp

Audio players: mpg123 out, Xmms plays mp3. 6mb soundfont? I have 4mb version which is as good as 25mb sf's. Also have decent 3mb, 2mb, and perhaps even still have a 1mb sf that plays ok. Could save a few meg there.

Smaller fonts, yes, Liberation an option. Terminal editors, keep Nano, Emacs, Vi etc if someone uses these would know how to install them.

Web browsers: W3m out, retain Glinks (best if only for bookmark file, 9000 links in a 1.2mb file editable by anything and read by any browser). Replace Firefox and Sylpheed with SeaMonkey

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