
Group: Members
Posts: 798
Joined: Sep. 2005 |
Posted: Dec. 15 2005,10:04 |
Tronik tried putting a 2.6 kernel into dsl - this was on his and others ftp server (search the forums). Don't know if it's still there - didn't try it myself on the assumption that it's probably got at very least a few problems, depending on how it was made.
INSERT (about dsl's size) uses a 2.6 kernel but isn't geared towards desktop use and uses unionfs (which uses quite a lot of memory - that also presents issues if a reinvented "dsl" was to be based instead on the new unionfs-2.6 knoppices). I had a crack at remastering INSERT and simplistically tried adding dsl's dsl-dpkg and copying some missing files across from dsl, with a view to apt-get installing a few more desktop apps and making it more dsl-like. The net functions of apt-get (downloading etc) ran fine on this from a chroot, but dpkg seemed to have perl problems and wouldn't work. Not being much a perlmonger and not having the time I gave up trying to resolve these. Someone out there might like to have a crack at it.