
Group: Members
Posts: 706
Joined: April 2006 |
Posted: May 29 2006,03:48 |
Hey MDG, no you don't need to change them, any .jpg or .png can be used(not sure about other formats). I've even used icon's just for fun. That X snapshot sucks, i use gimp to take snap shots, it works just like ksnapsot you can set a timer and "save as" any format you want(.jpg, .png, etc..). It's under file>aquire>screenshot in gimp. For wmdrawer you have to change the wmdrawerrc down at the bottom so they point to .png and .gif on mine i noticed the difference was in the spelling, like starting with capital when it should be lower case. They changes i made were just commenting(#) out the ones i don't want and adding my own.->
# Images directories [images_paths] /home/dsl/.xtdesktop /home/dsl/.xtdesktop/icons
# A first column # Each button must be defined with this syntax: # (tooltip) (image) (command) [column]
#(Sylpheed) (Sylpheed.png) (sylpheed) #(Beaver) (Beaver.png) (beaver) #(axyFTP) (Ftp.gif) (axyftp)
(MyDSL) (Mydslgui.png) (mydslPanel.lua) (Emelfm) (Emelfm.gif) (emelfm) (Terminal) (Aterm.png) (aterm -T "Bash" -e /bin/bash) #(rxvt -rv -fn fixed -cr yellow -T "Bash" -e /bin/bash) (DSLPanel) (Cpanel.png) (cpanel) (Dillo) (Dillo.png) (dillo) (Gimp) (gimp-1.2.png) (gimp) # A second column [column]
#(Xmms) (Xmms.png) (xmms) #(RDesktop) (Rdesktop.png) (/usr/local/bin/rdesktop.lua) #(VNCViewer) (Vnc.gif) (vncviewer) #(Siag) (Siag.png) (siag) #(Xpdf) (Xpdf.gif) (xpdf) #(XPaint) (Xpaint.png) (xpaint) #(XZGV Viewer) (Xzgv.png) (xzgv) #(Xpdf) (Xpdf.gif) (xpdf)
(Rox) (home.png) (sh /opt/.start_rox) (Drives) (USB_Drive.png) (rox /mnt/) (Rox Root) (File Vault.png) (sudo rox) (Gaim) (gaim.png) (/usr/bin/start_gaim) (Firefox) (mozilla.png) (/usr/local/bin/firefox) (Xkill) (xkill3.png) (xkill)