
Group: Members
Posts: 4856
Joined: July 2004 |
Posted: Jan. 19 2006,02:00 |
Again, I have some notes about things i didn't notice until after submission....
With icewm.uci, there are network, mail, and cpu monitors which start an application when you click on them. I wasn't aware of this until just a couple of days ago. The default app started with the mail monitor is pine, which doesn't exist in DSL. There will be an icewm.uci update before long, and default will be changed to Sylpheed. The app that is started from the network monitor is "netstat -c", which doesn't work with the Busybox version of netstat. I'm not sure what app will take its place in the next version....i'm open to suggestions.
The "Logout -> Restart Xterm" menu item restarts IceWM instead of switching to xterm. This behavior is not evident using the same IceWM files in another linux distribution....not sure if it's a bug or if there's something in the way DSL starts X that prevents the switch.
I have yet to see any problems with the menu conversion script applied to a typical DSL fluxbox menu. However, there is a flaw that causes it to make a semi-broken icewm menu if your fluxbox menu includes apostrophes or commands that include escaped quotes. I have no idea how to fix it right now, but it shouldn't be a problem for 99% of DSL users.
EDIT: Another issue with icewm.uci... Imlib in DSL was compiled with png.h 1.0.12, but icewm was compiled with png.h 1.2.8. Imlib is *very* picky about this, apparently, and refuses to read png images as a result. I haven't found a solution to this yet...i may have to include my own Imlib in the package, or downgrade the libpng version in my dev system and recompile the package (this will likely result in breaking other packages, so i probably won't do this)...or just drop png support from icewm.
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