User Feedback
- fbdev, Badwulf,synaptic, xrandr (3 Replies)
- DSL is booting very slowly (8 Replies)
- Under Virtualbox mouse copy/paste not working (1 Reply)
- Works pretty well in VMWare on Win 11. (0 Replies)
- Tried to make a bootable USB,does not boot (6 Replies)
- Wifi does not connect (2 Replies)
- Doing apt upgrade causes Terminal to stop working (4 Replies)
- The newest ISO can't boot? (4 Replies)
- Web "Brawsers" (1 Reply)
- Package request: brightnessctl (1 Reply)
- Wrong choice of market share target (4 Replies)
- Working on Network P3-600MHz with 384MB Ram (0 Replies)
- Works on IMac 2006/7 (2 Replies)
- Apt Upgrade issues HP Mini (2 Replies)
- No luck on antique laptop (3 Replies)
- Forum feedback (1 Reply)
- Working nicely in QEMU (2 Replies)
- Works well running on a QEMU hosted by a Puppy Linux (1 Reply)
- It works in Virtual box and Win 11! (1 Reply)