webcam brand to use
play MP3 stream with a (no GUI) command line playe
Improving Video Playback Peformance
screen resolution help
screen resolution help
webcam howto
DSL into a media (audio) center ?
Can't install anything except xmms
xMMS is fine, Audacity needs some tuning
Sound is half present...
I Have No gAIM.........
xmms - can't play mp3 files
xmms - can't play mp3 files
xmms audio cd won't play!
Xmms crashes system
xmms problem - not so new in linux
XMMS won't launch
XMMS won't lauch and FF won't Download
Format for Best Video Performance on Old Laptop?
What format uses less processor power?
How to import address book to Sylpheed
from Thunderbird
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