
sound problems
once there was sound now there is none!

Firewire and Kino

mplayer.dsl not working for me with ver. 1.4
Getting illegal instruction error

skype sound problems

Edna not working
I want my MP3 (streaming)

Audio/Video out of sync

Sound Problems
Clicks during mp3 playback on XMSS

sound card not detected?
im sound card is not detected

No sound on Compaq Armada 1572
ESS1878 chipset configuration

mplayer sound problems
poor audio quality with mplayer-xfree86

how to configure alsa

XMMS AAC Plugin?
I need help installing an AAC plugin

No sound on my dslbox

Still No sound on Audigy 2 Card

Dillo autostarting XMMS??

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