
Group: Members
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Joined: Feb. 2007 |
Posted: June 19 2008,12:09 |
The preamble of the GPL is very clear about this matter: "Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things."
So long as the sources are made available (they are and I showed Mr Murga where he can order a CD) and copyrights remain intact (florian would know more about this than I) and any changes (if there actually are changes) noted, there's no problem. Well, except we have to endure someone's petulance, arrogance, and insistence that we use his code intact as he sees fit rather than using it in whole or in part as we see fit -- which is contrary to the nature of GPL. At least we only have to endure his whining until he relicenses it under a different license that affords him the kind of control he seeks. As long as it's GPL and as long as DSL is in compliance with GPL, you shouldn't feel that you have to oblige him.
EDIT: GPL provides that the bindings can be separated and used independently (bold text part above) of murgaLua. If it's determined that it's worth forking so we have Lua-FLTK bindings, this is certainly worth considering. Just make sure all the proper credit is given to Murga for the part(s) we use.
-------------- "It felt kind of like having a pitbull terrier on my rear end." -- meo (copyright(c)2008, all rights reserved)